In a press release Tuesday, Lyric Records announced a massive recall of the entire Rascal Flatts (sic) catalog. A spokesperson for Lyric, a subsidiary of the Disney Company, explained that an error, originating at the time of their signing with the label in 1999, resulted in typos on every album they have ever released. A representative for the band would only say that an internal investigation had resulted in the firing of a mischievous and disgruntled employee in the A&R department, one Ms.Tinker Belle. Management has begrudgingly agreed to the reprinting of all packaging, which will henceforth have one "L" and one of the "T"s removed from the second word in the band's name.
Whilst on a TV commercial break, WC visit tonight, I was startled by the shear volume of a commercial for the band Rascal Flatts (sic). The noise was so distressingly deafening, and beyond FCC guidelines range, that I had to actually force myself to stop urinating in order to return to the livingroom and turn the damn TV volume down.