Monday, February 14, 2011

Grammy 2011 Recap

(in no particular order)

Bruno Mars: standout

Jamie Fox: (poser) Stick with acting, which you are actually good at.

Jagger: He seemed happy not to be in the montage of the dead, but who else could sing with a band that large and pull it off?

I feel bad for Kings of Leon.

Miranda Lambert: I just don't get it.

Muppets? Really? Cee Lo, Elmo. Elmo, Cee Lo.

John, Keith, Norah: Highlight

Muse? Really bad band name. Muse is a chick man.

Biebster: Really, it took 6 people to write "Never Say Never"? And you needed Jaden Smith too? When JB sings Usher-type material he fails. He wants to act too-- he shows talent, self-deprecation and humility there-- he probably should have gone with JT instead. Jaden (poser-spawn) ruined the segment.

Did anyone see the Church of Scientology ad?

GaGa: Armor butt and all-- professional. Say what you want about her, she knows exactly what she is doing.

Nicki Minaj and priceless

BABS: Soft as an easy chair. She came to the party dressed as a giant Hershey's Kiss.

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