Friday, January 16, 2009

Golden Globes Update

Me:  Don't know if anyone noticed, but Kate Beckinsale did not seem terribly comfortable to be sharing the mic with Puffy. Probably because the arrogant prick didn't so much share it with her as shoulder her out of the shot and hog prompter.

She:  I did notice that! Her contempt was palpable. But I'm a huge PD fan -- he amuses me.

Me:  Thank you for the validation. Yeah, he can be amusing in a TMZ, train wreck, highway accident, rubbernecking kind of way. And I am all over the current competition between he and Kanye for who is the biggest phallus in hip-hop. These two are both wunderkind, mama's boys in the worst way. I think Kanye leads with all his recent award show antics and the lip-syncing controversy over his last SNL appearance. But P-iddy is coming on strong with his recent Cîroc vodka ads that try to co-opt Sinatra cool, even shooting in B&W and using his track "Come Fly With Me."  
Instead, he comes off more like the black Donald Trump.

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